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This 50 Page double-sided score pad is numbered up to 14 players on each side. A game consists of 5 rounds. Write the player names in the 1st column on both sides. At the end of each round, write in the dollar amount each player has left. At the end of the 5th round the player with the most money after playing up to 5 rounds wins all the money in the Pot. The Score Keeper must also keep track of the amount of money each player borrows from the House Bank. They must also record the loan amount that has been paid back to the bank along with the balance owed. In addition, the Score Keeper must keep an eye on the Player's winnings & remind them of their debt. As money is won, it must be paid back to the bank immediately leaving the player with at least $1 to remain in the game. As you pay back your money, the $7 maximum loan will still be available to you throughout the game. Correct the last sentence under description to read: 5 x 7 inches. 



Double-sided Score & House Bank Pad

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