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  1. Everyone can sit in a circular, square, or rectangular formation ideally on a table or an open area.

  2. Designate one House Banker & Score Keeper.

  3. Distribute (7) $1 bills to each player.

  4. Place one Pot in the center of the table to await money intake.

  5. To decide the opening player, all players must roll the white dotted dice (Money Moves Dice). The highest roller starts the game. The highest rollers must re-roll the dice for the tie breaker.

  6. Highest roller must roll the Money Moves Dice (dotted 1 thru 6) as well as the Task Dice (7, 11, PL, SAFE, RE-L, RE-R) to start the game.

  7. Each Player must complete the task indicated on the rolls of the dice. Tasks are simple and fun. All you are doing is giving or receiving money.

  8. Money Moves Dice has two functions. The dice will indicate how much money you will receive from one player to the next. There will be times where you will need to place your money into the pot. The dice also indicates which player to your left or right will receive or give you money. Money will move from Player to Player on your left or your right.



Money Moves Dice


             = $1 or the 1st person on your left or right


              = $2 or the 2nd person on your left or right


              = $3 or the 3rd person on your left or right


              = $4 or the 4th person on your left or right


              = $5 or the 5th person on your left or right


             = $6 or the 6th person on your left or right





     9. Now here is where the fun begins. You must complete your task in combination with the Money Moves Dice. It is time to stack your money or lose your         

          money. The PL and 11 dice trigger the pull of a card.



Task Dice


               = Unlucky Seven – Place the dollar amount indicated on the Money Moves Dice into the Pot. This is one way the pot will accumulate money.


               = Chance – This dice triggers the pull of a card. It’s your chance to pull a PotLuck Card. If a PL card is pulled hold onto the card for a 2nd chance to roll the

                  PL. You must wait until it’s your turn again to roll the dice. You must pull another card to complete your task. On your 2nd chance if you roll PL you will

                  win all the money that has accumulated in the Pot. If no money is there, better luck next time.


                = PotLuck – The PL triggers the pull of a card. If the PL card is pulled, you will win all the money in the Pot. If there’s no money in the Pot, better luck next

                   time. If you don’t pull the PL card, complete the task of the card that is pulled.


                = You are safe from any card task and voids money moves. No task to complete.


                = Receive Money from the Player on your left – When you roll this dice, it will determine which person on your left will give you the dollar amount     

                   indicated on the Money Moves Dice.


                = Receive Money from the Player on your right – When you roll this dice, it will determine which person on your right will give you the dollar amount

                   indicated on the Money Moves Dice.



Task Cards

There are 18 different fun task cards which are self-explanatory. To name a few: PotLuck ( If you roll the PL dice and pull this card, win all the money in the Pot), Money Moves to your left (Give money to the Player on your left) , Money Moves to your right (Give money to the Player on your right), Take a Drink, Safe, Wild Card (Grants you immunity of any dice roll or card task you don’t like), Lucky 7 (Grab $7 from the Pot), Ching Ching (Collect $1 from each Player), Whomp Whomp (Give $1 to each Player) and so on. Please refer to the manual & the slide show at the bottom of the Home Page for card images & descriptions.

Remember if you roll an 11 or PL it will trigger a pull of a card.



                 10.  You may play up to 5 rounds in one game. Each round end once the Round Over card is pulled. Each Player must tally up the money they have left

                       and place that dollar amount on the score sheet beside the Player’s name. Each Player must have at least $1 left to continue to the next round. Out

                       of money? No problem. Each Player can borrow up to $7 from the House Bank to remain in the game. The loan must be paid back as additional

                       money is won. You can keep $1 to stay in the game. There is a possibility the game may not last all 5 rounds if the Game Over card is pulled or 1

                        player ends up winning all the money before all 5 rounds are played.


 Winning The Game

The person with the most money on the score sheet at the end of the game will win all the money left in the Pot. The last Player standing or the Player who has won the most money wins the game.  


View and Download The Complete Instruction Manual of the game. 

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